Photographer Eliza Loveheart ★14

Europe / United Kingdom /East Yorkshire

Nude / Fine Art

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Shadow self. 2020-12-28 14:08

A recent exploration of shadows cast by the winter sun.

From yesterday evening. 2020-09-04 17:31

Self portraits, shot as dusk started to fall. Natural light, and very minimal editing.

Lockdown 2020 2020-08-30 20:41

Lockdown 2020

Lockdown 2020

Lockdown 2020

Lockdown 2020

Lockdown 2020

Lockdown 2020

Lockdown 2020

Lockdown has been for the world over, an unprecendented time of uncertainty and change. From a photographers perspective, we saw landscape, architecture and nature photographers struggle with the fact that they were unable to travel for their art. Street photographers were confined to their homes for the most part, and faced near-empty streets otherwise. Photographers that worked with models unable to meet up and make their magic. As a sideshoot, creativity flourished and many explored alternative methods with huge success, utilising digital resources to facilitate connections and create images over the internet.

Meanwhilst, the self-portrait artists were able to carry on as usual, without these barriers to continuing their practise. Or maybe not. Because these haven't been usual times. When truly portraying the self, it is impossible not to convey emotions. Mindsets were altered by feelings of isolation, of confinement, of fear and the need for reassurance. This in turn often transpired in the images. This set is one, shot in April this year, that I feel encapsulates these feelings.


Recent (unedited) work. 2020-06-28 13:08

A minimalistic, simple study of skin in pure natural light. Self portraits.

Always distracted by light.... 2020-05-31 15:14

These are some unedited images from a set shot last night. As I went upstairs I noticed this slither of light, and knew that I simply just HAD to catch it. Self portraits, taken with an Olympus EM10, mkiii.

Info / Contact

Eliza Loveheart
Self portrait artist (in the loosest sense of the word 'artist'). Duckface not an option.
